

落語 & オペラ


トーク 彦いち&白鳥


落語『豆腐屋ジョニー マロニーでおじゃる!』

トーク 彦いち&白鳥




Gounod’s Faust
The legend of Faust, the aging philosopher who sells his soul for renewed youth and earthly delights, has inspired many operatic adaptations, but none has proved as popular as Gounod’s rich, elegantly Gallic interpretation, which was the very first opera ever performaned at the Met in 1883. Offering an ardent tenor role for the title character, meltingly lyrical music for the beautiful and naïve Marguerite, and a smooth-talking take on Mephistopheles for bass, it delivers all of the hallmarks of 19th-century French opera.




オペラ & 落語



Mozart’s Don Giovanni
Imbuing the familiar Don Juan myth with a captivating combination of comedy, seductiveness, danger, and damnation, Mozart created an enduring masterpiece that has been a cornerstone of the repertory since its 1787 premiere. An early entry in the Met’s series of PBS telecasts, this 1978 performance captures a young James Morris in a smooth portrayal of the title role, with the legendary Joan Sutherland showing off her unsurpassed technique as Donna Anna and Gabriel Bacquier as a masterful Leporello.










落語 & オペラ


江戸家子猫   動物鳴きまね

春風亭 一之輔 『天狗裁き』 見た夢を話せ、、、という噺



Music Director Yannick Nézet-Séguin conducts Puccini’s final masterpiece. Christine Goerke leads the cast in the title role, with Yusif Eyvazov as Calàf, Eleonora Buratto as Liù, and James Morris as Timur.











METオペラ & 落語


Verdi’s Un Ballo in Maschera
Verdi can always be counted on for passion, intrigue, and betrayal—and to make glorious music of it all. Un Ballo in Maschera, concerning a plot to murder King Gustavo III of Sweden, who also happens to be in love with his best friend and counselor’s wife, is no exception. With a principal cast featuring a powerful and dignified leading lady, a character role for soprano as young man, an otherworldly mezzo-soprano fortune-teller, a heroic tenor, and a suave and conflicted baritone, it’s Italian opera at its finest.






オープニングトーク   たい平&文蔵(前座思い出話)

落語『磯の鮑』     橘家 文吾

落語『試し酒』     橘家 文蔵

三味線漫談       林家 あずみ

落語『井戸の茶碗』   林家 たい平






文蔵組落語会 & METオペラ『ローエングリン』


オープニングトーク      文蔵&百栄

落語『真田小僧』       橘家 文吾

落語『道具調べ』       橘家 文蔵

落語『マザコンしらべ』    春風亭 百栄

奇 術            伊藤 夢葉

落語『マイクパフォーマンス』 春風亭 百栄




Wagner’s Lohengrin
Due to the quirks of scheduling and some unanticipated technical challenges, Wagner’s lush, Romantic tale of a holy knight and the maiden who loves him has not seen the Met stage since 2006, making this Nightly Opera Stream the first Met presentation of Lohengrin in more than 14 years. This 1986 telecast performance makes the very most of Wagner’s glowing music, with the dashing Peter Hoffmann in the title role, Eva Marton as a deeply affecting Elsa, Lohengrin’s beloved, and the great Leonie Rysanek giving a thrillingly deranged portrayal of Ortrud, the sorceress who tries to tear the couple apart.





Mozart’s Idomeneo
In this work, which made the young composer’s name and started him on the path to immortality, Mozart took the then-dusty genre of opera seria—with its focus on acrobatic feats of singing and plots taken from Classical history or mythology—and gave it new life. Set in ancient Crete, Idomeneo follows the machinations of various members of the ruling family and two foreign princesses, and still delivers plenty of vocal pyrotechnics. But it’s the addition of Mozart’s unmistakable elegance and keen sense of characterization that turns the opera into a musical and dramatic tour de force.
